
 #1 non ce pace per gli exchange: se ne va il CTO di OKcoin. . Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 03:28:41 PM  #2 Si sapeva già ufficialmente da 3 giorni circa e al tempo non ha avuto nessun effetto sui movimenti nellexchange, tantomeno sul prezzo. In ogni caso è solo un fatto di punti di vista sul business. Non puoi essere efficiente in una posizione del genere se non sei convinto della direzione e filosofia della compagnia per cui lavori. Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 03:41:28 PM  #3 Quote from: Fabrizio89 on February 18, 2015, 03:28:41 PMSi sapeva già ufficialmente da 3 giorni circa e al tempo non ha avuto nessun effetto sui movimenti nellexchange, tantomeno sul prezzo. In ogni caso è solo un fatto di punti di vista sul business. Non puoi essere efficiente in una posizione del genere se non sei convinto della direzione e filosofia della compagnia per cui lavori.Bè il CTO è il responsabile Tecnico. Ha tutte le password e tutti gli accessi... credo sia per questo che GBianchi segnalava una certa attenzione FaSan Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 03:59:37 PM  #4 Quote from: FaSan on February 18, 2015, 03:41:28 PMQuote from: Fabrizio89 on February 18, 2015, 03:28:41 PMSi sapeva già ufficialmente da 3 giorni circa e al tempo non ha avuto nessun effetto sui movimenti nellexchange, tantomeno sul prezzo. In ogni caso è solo un fatto di punti di vista sul business. Non puoi essere efficiente in una posizione del genere se non sei convinto della direzione e filosofia della compagnia per cui lavori.Bè il CTO è il responsabile Tecnico. Ha tutte le password e tutti gli accessi... credo sia per questo che GBianchi segnalava una certa attenzione FaSane anche (giusto per non essere cattivi) tutte le chiavi private dei wallet.... Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 04:51:34 PM  #5 per questo, solitamente ci sono procedure scritte già previste.voglio dire..una procedura già prevista che gestisce la cosa in caso una persone che è a conoscenza di tutte le password lasci il suo posto!mi sembra il non hanno manco questa gestione, mi potrei spiegare tante cose sui disastri che si sentono in giro! Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 05:20:43 PM  #6 Quote from: zlatanBorec on February 18, 2015, 04:51:34 PMper questo, solitamente ci sono procedure scritte già previste.voglio dire..una procedura già prevista che gestisce la cosa in caso una persone che è a conoscenza di tutte le password lasci il suo posto!mi sembra il non hanno manco questa gestione, mi potrei spiegare tante cose sui disastri che si sentono in giro!Sicuramente non è questo il caso, ma in molte occasioni parliamo di ragazzotti poco più che ventenni che non hanno mai sentito parlare nè di ISO nè di procedure FaSan Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 08:49:27 PM  #7 Beh, OKCoin ha ricevuto un funding round da Tim Draper, quindi penso che siano abbastanza sopra la media. Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 18, 2015, 09:54:21 PM  #8 Mala tempora curunt sed peiora parantur. Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 19, 2015, 06:56:44 AM  #9 Ieri sera al meet up milanese cera il Compliance Director di Okcoin.Ovviamente gli ho chiesto dellaccaduto e mi ha detto che, essendo il CEO a sua volta un tecnico, esistevano divergenze conclusione, due galli in pollaio.... Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 20, 2015, 08:34:49 AM  #10 non cè pace per gli Exchanges perchè sono riusciti a prendere il peggio in termini di esecuzione e di creazione in parallelo di BTC. Se operassero in un modo un pò più etico probabilmente le persone investirebbero di più in BTC. Probabilmente. Re: OKcoin se ne va il CTO February 20, 2015, 08:51:40 PM  #11 Quote from: FaSan on February 18, 2015, 05:20:43 PMQuote from: zlatanBorec on February 18, 2015, 04:51:34 PMper questo, solitamente ci sono procedure scritte già previste.voglio dire..una procedura già prevista che gestisce la cosa in caso una persone che è a conoscenza di tutte le password lasci il suo posto!mi sembra il non hanno manco questa gestione, mi potrei spiegare tante cose sui disastri che si sentono in giro!Sicuramente non è questo il caso, ma in molte occasioni parliamo di ragazzotti poco più che ventenni che non hanno mai sentito parlare nè di ISO nè di procedure FaSanpurtroppo da quando anche linux,lo installi con la "modalità windows" avantiavantiavantiFine....i sistemisti con i cotrocazzi si stanno estinguendo...le generazioni che si salvano sonoper windows, quelli che hanno visto levoluzione del SO dall MS-DOS su dischetto da 5.25 fino ad oggi..per linux, quelli che installavano i server, tutto da shell... Bitrated v2 - Nuovo servizio di compravendita e intermediazione February 18, 2015, 10:48:34 PMLast edit: February 24, 2015, 07:00:41 PM by HostFat  #1 scritto una guida per la precedente versione:s:bitcointalk.orgindex.php?topic=913813.0Questa nuova versione è stata estremamente semplificata, anche se la registrazione ora è obbligatoria.Il servizio devo ancora provarlo con la nuova interfaccia, se qualcuno vuole provare si faccia avanti Questo è il mio link per fare una richiesta del mio servizio di escrow: altri si iscrivono si potrebbe fare una bella lista Lista escrow: Re: Bitrated v2 - Nuovo servizio di compravendita e intermediazione February 19, 2015, 12:10:52 AM  #2 Grande!Iscritto!Grazie non sapevo Re: Bitrated v2 - Nuovo servizio di compravendita e intermediazione February 19, 2015, 02:24:54 PM  #3 Ho visto che qualcuno mi ha fatto delle review positive, senza che siano però legate a un qualche trade. Credo che sia meglio usare i "vouches" per quel fine Re: Bitrated v2 - Nuovo servizio di compravendita e intermediazione February 19, 2015, 03:43:16 PM  #4 Infatti quel tipo di review valgono meno di quelle fatte attraverso i servizi della piattaforma ma sempre valore hanno. Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 10:22:45 AM  #1 Kipcoin, un wallet cinese che dava interessi per i bitcoin depositatie stato hackerato di 3.000 BTC Re: Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 05:03:19 PM  #2 Quote from: gbianchi on February 18, 2015, 10:22:45 AMKipcoin, un wallet cinese che dava interessi per i bitcoin depositatie stato hackerato di 3.000 BTCcerto 2015 è iniziato veramente a palla!!!sempre su kipcon:cryptoarticles.comcrypto-newschinese-exchange-platform-kipcoin-admits-to-hackers-stealing-over-3000-bitcoins:bitcointalk.orgindex.php?topic=959767.0;allsotto a chi tocca!!! Re: Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 05:17:39 PM  #3 A momenti bisogna aprire una sezione solo per tutte le scammateperdite degli exchange  Meglio così, ci muoveremo più velocemente verso il futuro Re: Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 06:07:33 PM  #4 Veramente allucinante.. Ogni giorno queste notizie.. Re: Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 08:26:41 PM  #5 Comincio a pensare che sia meglio affidarsi ai wallet ufficiali anche se non sono fruttiferi.Se fanno i siti  allo stesso modo della loro merce (di merda) che inonda il mondo, siamo a posto.. Re: Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 09:19:21 PM  #6 Per curiosità che interessi dava? Valeva la pena rischiare a tenerci i  btc sopra? Re: Kipcoin wallet cinese perde 3000 BTC February 18, 2015, 09:52:43 PM  #7 Bter per esempio fin quando lho usata dava interessi variabili di giorno in giorno.Per una settimana dava il 5%Alla fine ho racimolato a malapena il rimborso sulle commissioni di trading.Comunque, il nostro gbianchi per dirla in modo aulico e forbito......e fatt nu burdell frà!Penso si capisca. Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 rilasciato February 16, 2015, 08:00:53 AM  #1 Bitcoin Core version 0.10.0 is now available from: is a new major version release, bringing both new features andbug fixes.Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github: and downgrading=========================How to Upgrade--------------If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completelyshut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run theinstaller (on Windows) or just copy over ApplicationsBitcoin-Qt (on Mac) orbitcoindbitcoin-qt (on Linux).Downgrading warning---------------------Because release 0.10.0 makes use of headers-first synchronization and parallelblock download (see further), the block files and databases are notbackwards-compatible with older versions of Bitcoin Core or other software: Blocks will be stored on disk out of order (in the order they arereceived, really), which makes it incompatible with some tools orother programs. Reindexing using earlier versions will also not workanymore as a result of this. The block index database will now hold headers for which no block isstored on disk, which earlier versions wont support.If you want to be able to downgrade smoothly, make a backup of your entire datadirectory. Without this your node will need start syncing (or importing frombootstrap.dat) anew afterwards. It is possible that the data from a completelysynchronised 0.10 node may be usable in older versions as-is, but this is notsupported and may break as soon as the older version attempts to reindex.This does not affect wallet forward or backward compatibility.Notable changes===============Faster synchronization----------------------Bitcoin Core now uses headers-first synchronization. This means that we firstask peers for block headers (a total of 27 megabytes, as of December 2014) andvalidate those. In a second stage, when the headers have been discovered, wedownload the blocks. However, as we already know about the whole chain inadvance, the blocks can be downloaded in parallel from all available practice, this means a much faster and more robust synchronization. Onrecent hardware with a decent network link, it can be as little as 3 hoursfor an initial full synchronization. You may notice a slower progress in thevery first few minutes, when headers are still being fetched and verified, butit should gain speed afterwards.A few RPCs were addedupdated as a result of this:- `getblockchaininfo` now returns the number of validated headers in addition tothe number of validated blocks.- `getpeerinfo` lists both the number of blocks and headers we know we have incommon with each peer. While synchronizing, the heights of the blocks that wehave requested from peers (but havent received yet) are also listed asinflight.- A new RPC `getchaintips` lists all known branches of the block chain,including those we only have headers for.Transaction fee changes-----------------------This release automatically estimates how high a transaction fee (or howhigh a priority) transactions require to be confirmed quickly. The defaultsettings will create transactions that confirm quickly; see the newtxconfirmtarget setting to control the tradeoff between fees andconfirmation times. Fees are added by default unless the sendfreetransactions setting is enabled.Prior releases used hard-coded fees (and priorities), and wouldsometimes create transactions that took a very long time to confirm.Statistics used to estimate fees and priorities are saved in thedata directory in the `fee_estimates.dat` file just beforeprogram shutdown, and are read in at startup.New command line options for transaction fee changes:- `-txconfirmtarget=n` : create transactions that have enough fees (or priority)so they are likely to begin confirmation within n blocks (default: 1). This settingis over-ridden by the -paytxfee option.- `-sendfreetransactions` : Send transactions as zero-fee transactions if possible (default: 0)New RPC commands for fee estimation:- `estimatefee nblocks` : Returns approximate fee-per-1,000-bytes needed fora transaction to begin confirmation within nblocks. Returns -1 if not enoughtransactions have been observed to compute a good estimate.- `estimatepriority nblocks` : Returns approximate priority needed fora zero-fee transaction to begin confirmation within nblocks. Returns -1 if notenough free transactions have been observed to compute a goodestimate.RPC access control changes--------------------------Subnet matching for the purpose of access control is now doneby matching the binary network address, instead of with string wildcard matching.For the user this means that `-rpcallowip` takes a subnet specification, which can be- a single IP address (e.g. `` or `fe80::0012:3456:789a:bcde`)- a networkCIDR (e.g. `` or `fe80::000064`)- a networknetmask (e.g. `` or `fe80::0012:3456:789a:bcdeffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff`)An arbitrary number of `-rpcallow` arguments can be given. An incoming connection will be accepted if its origin addressmatches one of them.For example: 0.9.x and before                           0.10.x                                ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `-rpcallowip=`                   `-rpcallowip=` (unchanged) `-rpcallowip=192.168.1.`                   `-rpcallowip=`           `-rpcallowip=192.168.`                     `-rpcallowip=`           `-rpcallowip=` (dangerous!)               `-rpcallowip=::0` (still dangerous!) Using wildcards will result in the rule being rejected with the following error in debug.log:    Error: Invalid -rpcallowip subnet specification: . Valid are a single IP (e.g. ), a networknetmask (e.g. or a networkCIDR (e.g. 24).REST interface--------------A new HTTP API is exposed when running with the `-rest` flag, which allowsunauthenticated access to public node data.It is served on the same port as RPC, but does not need a password, and usesplain HTTP instead of JSON-RPC.Assuming a local RPC server running on port 8332, it is possible to request:- Blocks: :localhost:8332restblockHASH.EXT- Blocks without transactions: :localhost:8332restblocknotxdetailsHASH.EXT- Transactions (requires `-txindex`): :localhost:8332resttxHASH.EXTIn every case, EXT can be `bin` (for raw binary data), `hex` (for hex-encodedbinary) or `json`.For more details, see the `` document in the repository.RPC Server "Warm-Up" Mode-------------------------The RPC server is started earlier now, before most of the expensiveintialisations like loading the block index.  It is available now almostimmediately after starting the process.  However, until all initialisationsare done, it always returns an immediate error with code -28 to all calls.This new behaviour can be useful for clients to know that a server is alreadystarted and will be available soon (for instance, so that they do nothave to start it themselves).Improved signing security-------------------------For 0.10 the security of signing against unusual attacks has beenimproved by making the signatures constant time and deterministic.This change is a result of switching signing to use libsecp256k1instead of OpenSSL. Libsecp256k1 is a cryptographic libraryoptimized for the curve Bitcoin uses which was created by BitcoinCore developer Pieter Wuille.There exist attacks[1] against most ECC implementations where anattacker on shared virtual machine hardware could extract a privatekey if they could cause a target to sign using the same key hundredsof times. While using shared hosts and reusing keys are inadvisablefor other reasons, its a better practice to avoid the exposure.OpenSSL has code in their source repository for derandomizationand reduction in timing leaks that weve eagerly wanted to use for along time, but this functionality has still not made itsway into a released version of OpenSSL. Libsecp256k1 achievessignificantly stronger protection: As far as were aware this isthe only deployed implementation of constant time signing forthe curve Bitcoin uses and we have reason to believe thatlibsecp256k1 is better tested and more thoroughly reviewedthan the implementation in OpenSSL.[1] wallet support-------------------------The wallet can now track transactions to and from wallets for which you knowall addresses (or scripts), even without the private keys.This can be used to track payments without needing the private keys online on apossibly vulnerable system. In addition, it can help for (manual) constructionof multisig transactions where you are only one of the signers.One new RPC, `importaddress`, is added which functions similarly to`importprivkey`, but instead takes an address or script (in hexadecimal) asargument.  After using it, outputs credited to this address or script areconsidered to be received, and transactions consuming these outputs will beconsidered to be sent.The following RPCs have optional support for watch-only:`getbalance`, `listreceivedbyaddress`, `listreceivedbyaccount`,`listtransactions`, `listaccounts`, `listsinceblock`, `gettransaction`. See theRPC documentation for those methods for more information.Compared to using `getrawtransaction`, this mechanism does not require`-txindex`, scales better, integrates better with the wallet, and is compatiblewith future block chain pruning functionality. It does mean that all relevantaddresses need to added to the wallet before the payment, though.Consensus library-----------------Starting from 0.10.0, the Bitcoin Core distribution includes a consensus library.The purpose of this library is to make the verification functionality that iscritical to Bitcoins consensus available to other applications, e.g. to languagebindings such as [python-bitcoinlib]() oralternative node implementations.This library is called `` (or, `.dll` for Windows).Its interface is defined in the C header [bitcoinconsensus.h](s:github.combitcoinbitcoinblob0.10srcscriptbitcoinconsensus.h).In its initial version the API includes two functions:- `bitcoinconsensus_verify_script` verifies a script. It returns whether the indicated input of the provided serialized transaction correctly spends the passed scriptPubKey under additional constraints indicated by flags- `bitcoinconsensus_version` returns the API version, currently at an experimental `0`The functionality is planned to be extended to e.g. UTXO management in upcoming releases, but the interfacefor existing methods should remain stable.Standard script rules relaxed for P2SH addresses------------------------------------------------The IsStandard() rules have been almost completely removed for P2SHredemption scripts, allowing applications to make use of any validscript type, such as "n-of-m OR y", hash-locked oracle addresses, etc.While the Bitcoin protocol has always supported these types of script,actually using them on mainnet has been previously inconvenient asstandard Bitcoin Core nodes wouldnt relay them to miners, nor wouldmost miners include them in blocks they mined.bitcoin-tx----------It has been observed that many of the RPC functions offered by bitcoind are"pure functions", and operate independently of the bitcoind wallet. Thisincluded many of the RPC "raw transaction" API functions, such ascreaterawtransaction.bitcoin-tx is a newly introduced command line utility designed to enable easymanipulation of bitcoin transactions. A summary of its operation may beobtained via "bitcoin-tx --help" Transactions may be created or signed in amanner similar to the RPC raw tx API. Transactions may be updated, deletinginputs or outputs, or appending new inputs and outputs. Custom scripts may beeasily composed using a simple text notation, borrowed from the bitcoin testsuite.This tool may be used for experimenting with new transaction types, signingmulti-party transactions, and many other uses. Long term, the goal is todeprecate and remove "pure function" RPC API calls, as those do not require aserver round-trip to execute.Other utilities "bitcoin-key" and "bitcoin-script" have been proposed, makingkey and script operations easily accessible via command line.Mining and relay policy enhancements------------------------------------Bitcoin Cores block templates are now for version 3 blocks only, and any miningsoftware relying on its `getblocktemplate` must be updated in parallel to uselibblkmaker either version 0.4.2 or any version from 0.5.1 onward.If you are solo mining, this will affect you the moment you upgrade BitcoinCore, which must be done prior to BIP66 achieving its 9511001 status.If you are mining with the stratum mining protocol: this does not affect you.If you are mining with the getblocktemplate protocol to a pool: this will affectyou at the pool operators discretion, which must be no later than BIP66achieving its 9511001 status.The `prioritisetransaction` RPC method has been added to enable miners tomanipulate the priority of transactions on an individual basis.Bitcoin Core now supports BIP 22 long polling, so mining software can benotified immediately of new templates rather than having to poll periodically.Support for BIP 23 block proposals is now available in Bitcoin Cores`getblocktemplate` method. This enables miners to check the basic validity oftheir next block before expending work on it, reducing risks of accidentalhardforks or mining invalid blocks.Two new options to control mining policy:- `-datacarrier=01` : Relay and mine "data carrier" (OP_RETURN) transactionsif this is 1.- `-datacarriersize=n` : Maximum size, in bytes, we consider acceptable for"data carrier" outputs.The relay policy has changed to more properly implement the desired behavior of not relaying free (or very low fee) transactions unless they have a priority above the AllowFreeThreshold(), in which case they are relayed subject to the rate limiter.BIP 66: strict DER encoding for signatures------------------------------------------Bitcoin Core 0.10 implements BIP 66, which introduces block version 3, and a newconsensus rule, which prohibits non-DER signatures. Such transactions have beennon-standard since Bitcoin v0.8.0 (released in February 2013), but weretechnically still permitted inside blocks.This change breaks the dependency on OpenSSLs signature parsing, and isrequired if implementations would want to remove all of OpenSSL from theconsensus code.The same miner-voting mechanism as in BIP 34 is used: when 751 out of asequence of 1001 blocks have version number 3 or higher, the new consensusrule becomes active for those blocks. When 951 out of a sequence of 1001blocks have version number 3 or higher, it becomes mandatory for all blocks.Backward compatibility with current mining software is NOT provided, thus minersshould read the first paragraph of "Mining and relay policy enhancements" above.0.10.0 Change log=================Detailed release notes follow. This overview includes changes that affect externalbehavior, not code moves, refactors or string updates.RPC:- `f923c07` Support IPv6 lookup in bitcoin-cli even when IPv6 only bound on localhost- `b641c9c` Fix addnode "onetry": Connect with OpenNetworkConnection- `171ca77` estimatefee estimatepriority RPC methods- `b750cf1` Remove cli functionality from bitcoind- `f6984e8` Add "chain" to getmininginfo, improve help in getblockchaininfo- `99ddc6c` Add nLocalServices info to RPC getinfo- `cf0c47b` Remove getwork() RPC call- `2a72d45` prioritisetransaction - `e44fea5` Add an option `-datacarrier` to allow users to disable relayingmining data carrier transactions- `2ec5a3d` Prevent easy RPC memory exhaustion attack- `d4640d7` Added argument to getbalance to include watchonly addresses and fixed errors in balance calculation- `83f3543` Added argument to listaccounts to include watchonly addresses- `952877e` Showing involvesWatchonly property for transactions returned by listtransactions and listsinceblock. It is only appended when the transaction involves a watchonly address- `d7d5d23` Added argument to listtransactions and listsinceblock to include watchonly addresses- `f87ba3d` added includeWatchonly argument to gettransaction because it affects balance calculation- `0fa2f88` added includedWatchonly argument to listreceivedbyaddress...account- `6c37f7f` `getrawchangeaddress`: fail when keypool exhausted and wallet locked- `ff6a7af` getblocktemplate: longpolling support- `c4a321f` Add peerid to getpeerinfo to allow correlation with the logs- `1b4568c` Add vout to ListTransactions output- `b33bd7a` Implement "getchaintips" RPC command to monitor blockchain forks- `733177e` Remove size limit in RPC client, keep it in server- `6b5b7cb` Categorize rpc help overview- `6f2c26a` Closely track mempool byte total. Add "getmempoolinfo" RPC- `aa82795` Add detailed network info to getnetworkinfo RPC- `01094bd` Dont reveal whether password is <20 or >20 characters in RPC- `57153d4` rpc: Compute number of confirmations of a block from block height- `ff36cbe` getnetworkinfo: export local nodes client sub-version string- `d14d7de` SanitizeString: allow ( and )- `31d6390` Fixed setaccount accepting foreign address- `b5ec5fe` update getnetworkinfo help with subversion- `ad6e601` RPC additions after headers-first- `33dfbf5` rpc: Fix leveldb iterator leak, and flush before `gettxoutsetinfo`- `2aa6329` Enable customising node policy for datacarrier data size with a -datacarriersize option- `f877aaa` submitblock: Use a temporary CValidationState to determine accurately the outcome of ProcessBlock- `e69a587` submitblock: Support for returning specific rejection reasons- `af82884` Add "warmup mode" for RPC server- `e2655e0` Add unauthenticated HTTP REST interface to public blockchain data- `683dc40` Disable SSLv3 (in favor of TLS) for the RPC client and server- `44b4c0d` signrawtransaction: validate private key- `9765a50` Implement BIP 23 Block Proposal- `f9de17e` Add warning comment to getinfoCommand-line options:- `ee21912` Use netmasks instead of wildcards for IP address matching- `deb3572` Add `-rpcbind` option to allow binding RPC port on a specific interface- `96b733e` Add `-version` option to get just the version- `1569353` Add `-stopafterblockimport` option- `77cbd46` Let -zapwallettxes recover transaction meta data- `1c750db` remove -tor compatibility code (only allow -onion)- `4aaa017` rework help messages for fee-related options- `4278b1d` Clarify error message when invalid -rpcallowip- `6b407e4` -datadir is now allowed in config files- `bdd5b58` Add option `-sysperms` to disable 077 umask (create new files with system default umask)- `cbe39a3` Add "bitcoin-tx" command line utility and supporting modules- `dbca89b` Trigger -alertnotify if network is upgrading without you- `ad96e7c` Make -reindex cope with out-of-order blocks- `16d5194` Skip reindexed blocks individually- `ec01243` --tracerpc option for regression tests- `f654f00` Change -genproclimit default to 1- `3c77714` Make -proxy set all network types, avoiding a connect leak- `57be955` Remove -printblock, -printblocktree, and -printblockindex- `ad3d208` remove -maxorphanblocks config parameter since it is no longer functionalBlock and transaction handling:- `7a0e84d` ProcessGetData(): abort if a block file is missing from disk- `8c93bf4` LoadBlockIndexDB(): Require block db reindex if any `blk.dat` files are missing- `77339e5` Get rid of the static chainMostWork (optimization)- `4e0eed8` Allow ActivateBestChain to release its lock on cs_main- `18e7216` Push cs_mains down in ProcessBlock- `fa126ef` Avoid undefined behavior using CFlatData in CScript serialization- `7f3b4e9` Relax IsStandard rules for pay-to-script-hash transactions- `c9a0918` Add a skiplist to the CBlockIndex structure- `bc42503` Use unordered_map for CCoinsViewCache with salted hash (optimization)- `d4d3fbd` Do not flush the cache after every block outside of IBD (optimization)- `ad08d0b` Bugfix: make CCoinsViewMemPool support pruned entries in underlying cache- `5734d4d` Only remove actualy failed blocks from setBlockIndexValid- `d70bc52` Rework block processing benchmark code- `714a3e6` Only keep setBlockIndexValid entries that are possible improvements- `ea100c7` Reduce maximum coinscache size during verification (reduce memory usage)- `4fad8e6` Reject transactions with excessive numbers of sigops- `b0875eb` Allow BatchWrite to destroy its input, reducing copying (optimization)- `92bb6f2` Bypass reloading blocks from disk (optimization)- `2e28031` Perform CVerifyDB on pcoinsdbview instead of pcoinsTip (reduce memory usage)- `ab15b2e` Avoid copying undo data (optimization)- `341735e` Headers-first synchronization- `afc32c5` Fix rebuild-chainstate feature and improve its performance- `e11b2ce` Fix large reorgs- `ed6d1a2` Keep information about all block files in memory- `a48f2d6` Abstract context-dependent block checking from acceptance- `7e615f5` Fixed mempool sync after sending a transaction- `51ce901` Improve chainstateblockindex disk writing policy- `a206950` Introduce separate flushing modes- `9ec75c5` Add a locking mechanism to IsInitialBlockDownload to ensure it never goes from false to true- `868d041` Remove coinbase-dependant transactions during reorg- `723d12c` Remove txn which are invalidated by coinbase maturity during reorg- `0cb8763` Check against MANDATORY flags prior to accepting to mempool- `8446262` Reject headers that build on an invalid parent- `008138c` Bugfix: only track UTXO modification after lookupP2P protocol and network code:- `f80cffa` Do not trigger a DoS ban if SCRIPT_VERIFY_NULLDUMMY fails- `c30329a` Add testnet DNS seed of Alex Kotenko- `45a4baf` Add testnet DNS seed of Andreas Schildbach- `f1920e8` Ping automatically every 2 minutes (unconditionally)- `806fd19` Allocate receive buffers in on the fly- `6ecf3ed` Display unknown commands received- `aa81564` Track peers available blocks- `caf6150` Use async name resolving to improve net thread responsiveness- `9f4da19` Use pong receive time rather than processing time- `0127a9b` remove SOCKS4 support from core and GUI, use SOCKS5- `40f5cb8` Send rejects and apply DoS scoring for errors in direct block validation- `dc942e6` Introduce whitelisted peers- `c994d2e` prevent SOCKET leak in BindListenPort()- `a60120e` Add built-in seeds for .onion- `60dc8e4` Allow -onlynet=onion to be used- `3a56de7` addrman: Do not propagate obviously poor addresses onto the network- `6050ab6` netbase: Make SOCKS5 negotiation interruptible- `604ee2a` Remove tx from AlreadyAskedFor list once we receive it, not when we process it- `efad808` Avoid reject message feedback loops- `71697f9` Separate protocol versioning from clientversion- `20a5f61` Dont relay alerts to peers before version negotiation- `b4ee0bd` Introduce preferred download peers- `845c86d` Do not use third party services for IP detection- `12a49ca` Limit the number of new addressses to accumulate- `35e408f` Regard connection failures as attempt for addrman- `a3a7317` Introduce 10 minute block download timeout- `3022e7d` Require sufficent priority for relay of free transactions- `58fda4d` Update seed IPs, based on crawler data- `18021d0` Remove from dnsseeds.Validation:- `6fd7ef2` Also switch the (unused) verification code to low-s instead of even-s- `584a358` Do merkle root and txid duplicates check simultaneously- `217a5c9` When transaction outputs exceed inputs, show the offending amounts so as to aid debugging- `f74fc9b` Print input index when signature validation fails, to aid debugging- `6fd59ee` script.h: set_vch() should shift a >32 bit value- `d752ba8` Add SCRIPT_VERIFY_SIGPUSHONLY (BIP62 rule 2) (test only)- `698c6ab` Add SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA (BIP62 rules 3 and 4) (test only)- `ab9edbd` script: create sane error return codes for script validation and remove logging- `219a147` script: check ScriptError values in script tests- `0391423` Discourage NOPs reserved for soft-fork upgrades- `98b135f` Make STRICTENC invalid pubkeys fail the script rather than the opcode- `307f7d4` Report script evaluation failures in log and reject messages- `ace39db` consensus: guard against openssls new strict DER checks- `12b7c44` Improve robustness of DER recoding code- `76ce5c8` fail immediately on an empty signatureBuild system:- `f25e3ad` Fix build in OS X 10.9- `65e8ba4` build: Switch to non-recursive make- `460b32d` build: fix broken boost chrono check on some platforms- `9ce0774` build: Fix windows configure when using --with-qt-libdir- `ea96475` build: Add mention of --disable-wallet to bdb48 error messages- `1dec09b` depends: add shared dependency builder- `c101c76` build: Add --with-utils (bitcoin-cli and bitcoin-tx, default=yes). Help string consistency tweaks. Target sanity check fix- `e432a5f` build: add option for reducing exports (v2)- `6134b43` Fixing condition sabotaging MSVC build- `af0bd5e` osx: fix signing to make Gatekeeper happy (again)- `a7d1f03` build: fix dynamic boost check when --with-boost= is used- `d5fd094` build: fix qt test build when libprotobuf is in a non-standard path- `2cf5f16` Add libbitcoinconsensus library- `914868a` build: add a deterministic dmg signer - `2d375fe` depends: bump openssl to 1.0.1k- `b7a4ecc` Build: Only check for boost when building code that requires itWallet:- `b33d1f5` Use feepriority estimates in wallet CreateTransaction- `4b7b1bb` Sanity checks for estimates- `c898846` Add support for watch-only addresses- `d5087d1` Use script matching rather than destination matching for watch-only- `d88af56` Fee fixes- `a35b55b` Dont run full check every time we decrypt wallet- `3a7c348` Fix make_change to not create half-satoshis- `f606bb9` fix a possible memory leak in CWalletDB::Recover- `870da77` fix possible memory leaks in CWallet::EncryptWallet- `ccca27a` Watch-only fixes- `9b1627d` [Wallet] Reduce minTxFee for transaction creation to 1000 satoshis- `a53fd41` Deterministic signing- `15ad0b5` Apply AreSane() checks to the fees from the network- `11855c1` Enforce minRelayTxFee on wallet created tx and add a maxtxfee optionGUI:- `c21c74b` osx: Fix missing dock menu with qt5- `b90711c` Fix Transaction details shows wrong To:- `516053c` Make links in About Bitcoin Core clickable- `bdc83e8` Ensure payment request network matches client network- `65f78a1` Add GUI view of peer information- `06a91d9` VerifyDB progress reporting- `fe6bff2` Add BerkeleyDB version info to RPCConsole- `b917555` PeerTableModel: Fix potential deadlock. #4296- `dff0e3b` Improve rpc console history behavior- `95a9383` Remove CENT-fee-rule from coin control completely- `56b07d2` Allow setting listen via GUI- `d95ba75` Log messages with type>QtDebugMsg as non-debug- `8969828` New status bar Unit Display Control and related changes- `674c070` seed OpenSSL PNRG with Windows event data- `509f926` Payment request parsing on startup now only changes network if a valid network name is specified- `acd432b` Prevent balloon-spam after rescan- `7007402` Implement SI-style (thin space) thoudands separator- `91cce17` Use fixed-point arithmetic in amount spinbox- `bdba2dd` Remove an obscure option no-one cares about- `bd0aa10` Replace the temporary file hack currently used to change Bitcoin-Qts dock icon (OS X) with a buffer-based solution- `94e1b9e` Re-work overviewpage UI- `8bfdc9a` Better looking trayicon- `b197bf3` disable tray interactions when client model set to 0- `1c5f0af` Add column Watch-only to transactions list- `21f139b` Fix tablet crash. closes #4854- `e84843c` Broken addresses on command line no longer trigger testnet- `a49f11d` Change splash screen to normal window- `1f9be98` Disable App Nap on OSX 10.9+- `27c3e91` Add proxy to options overridden if necessary- `4bd1185` Allow "emergency" shutdown during startup- `d52f072` Dont show wallet options in the preferences menu when running with -disablewallet- `6093aa1` Qt: QProgressBar CPU-Issue workaround- `0ed9675` [Wallet] Add global boolean whether to send free transactions (default=true)- `ed3e5e4` [Wallet] Add global boolean whether to pay at least the custom fee (default=true)- `e7876b2` [Wallet] Prevent user from paying a non-sense fee- `c1c9d5b` Add Smartfee to GUI- `e0a25c5` Make askpassphrase dialog behave more sanely- `94b362d` On close of splashscreen interrupt verifyDB- `b790d13` English translation update- `8543b0d` Correct tooltip on address book pageTests:- `b41e594` Fix script test handling of empty scripts- `d3a33fc` Test CHECKMULTISIG with m == 0 and n == 0- `29c1749` Let tx (in)valid tests use any SCRIPT_VERIFY flag- `6380180` Add rejection of non-null CHECKMULTISIG dummy values- `21bf3d2` Add tests for BoostAsioToCNetAddr- `b5ad5e7` Add Python test for -rpcbind and -rpcallowip- `9ec0306` Add CODESEPARATORFindAndDelete() tests- `75ebced` Added many rpc wallet tests- `0193fb8` Allow multiple regression tests to run at once- `92a6220` Hook up sanity checks- `3820e01` Extend and move all crypto tests to crypto_tests.cpp- `3f9a019` added listget received by address account tests- `a90689f` Remove timing-based signature cache unit test- `236982c` Add skiplist unit tests- `f4b00be` Add CChain::GetLocator() unit test- `b45a6e8` Add test for getblocktemplate longpolling- `cdf305e` Set -discover=0 in regtest framework- `ed02282` additional test for OP_SIZE in script_valid.json- `0072d98` script tests: BOOLAND, BOOLOR decode to integer- `833ff16` script tests: values that overflow to 0 are true- `4cac5db` script tests: value with trailing 0x00 is true- `89101c6` script test: test case for 5-byte bools- `d2d9dc0` script tests: add tests for CHECKMULTISIG limits- `d789386` Add "it works" test for bitcoin-tx- `df4d61e` Add bitcoin-tx tests- `aa41ac2` Test IsPushOnly() with invalid push- `6022b5d` Make `script_{valid,invalid}.json` validation flags configurable- `8138cbe` Add automatic script test generation, and actual checksig tests- `ed27e53` Add coins_tests with a large randomized CCoinViewCache test- `9df9cf5` Make SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC compatible with BIP62- `dcb9846` Extend getchaintips RPC test- `554147a` Ensure MINIMALDATA invalid tests can only fail one way- `dfeec18` Test every numeric-accepting opcode for correct handling of the numeric minimal encoding rule- `2b62e17` Clearly separate PUSHDATA and numeric argument MINIMALDATA tests- `16d78bd` Add valid invert of invalid every numeric opcode tests- `f635269` tests: enable alertnotify test for Windows- `7a41614` tests: allow rpc-tests to get filenames for bitcoind and bitcoin-cli from the environment- `5122ea7` tests: fix on windows- `fa7f8cd` tests: remove old pull-tester scripts- `7667850` tests: replace the old (unused since Travis) tests with new rpc test scripts- `f4e0aef` Do signature-s negation inside the tests- `1837987` Optimize -regtest setgenerate block generation- `2db4c8a` Fix node ranges in the test framework- `a8b2ce5` regression test only setmocktime RPC call- `daf03e7` RPC tests: create initial chain with specific timestamps- `8656dbb` Portfix regression test- `ca81587` Test the exact order of CHECKMULTISIG sigpubkey evaluation- `7357893` Prioritize and display -testsafemode status in UI- `f321d6b` Add key generationverification to ECC sanity check- `132ea9b` miner_tests: Disable checkpoints so they dont fail the subsidy-change test- `bc6cb41` QA RPC tests: Add tests block block proposals- `f67a9ce` Use deterministically generated script tests- `11d7a7d` [RPC] add rpc-test for keep-alive (persistent connections)- `34318d7` RPC-test based on invalidateblock for mempool coinbase spends- `76ec867` Use actually valid transactions for script tests- `c8589bf` Add actual signature tests- `e2677d7` Fix smartfees test for change to relay policy- `263b65e` tests: run sanity checks in tests tooMiscellaneous:- `122549f` Fix incorrect checkpoint data for testnet3- `5bd02cf` Log used config file to debug.log on startup- `68ba85f` Updated Debian example bitcoin.conf with config from wiki + removed some cruft and updated comments- `e5ee8f0` Remove -beta suffix- `38405ac` Add comment regarding experimental-use service bits- `be873f6` Issue warning if collecting RandSeed data failed- `8ae973c` Allocate more space if necessary in RandSeedAddPerfMon- `675bcd5` Correct comment for 15-of-15 p2sh script size- `fda3fed` libsecp256k1 integration- `2e36866` Show nodeid instead of addresses in log (for anonymity) unless otherwise requested- `cd01a5e` Enable paranoid corruption checks in LevelDB >= 1.16- `9365937` Add comment about never updating nTimeOffset past 199 samples- `403c1bf` contrib: remove getwork-based pyminer (as getwork API call has been removed)- `0c3e101` contrib: Added systemd .service file in order to help distributions integrate bitcoind- `0a0878d` doc: Add new DNSseed policy- `2887bff` Update coding style and add .clang-format- `5cbda4f` Changed LevelDB cursors to use scoped pointers to ensure destruction when going out of scope- `b4a72a7` contriblinearize: split output files based on new-timestamp-year or max-file-size- `e982b57` Use explicit fflush() instead of setvbuf()- `234bfbf` contrib: Add init scripts and docs for Upstart and OpenRC- `01c2807` Add warning about the merkle-tree algorithm duplicate txid flaw- `d6712db` Also create pid file in non-daemon mode- `772ab0e` contrib: use batched JSON-RPC in linarize-hashes (optimization)- `7ab4358` Update bash-completion for v0.10- `6e6a36c` contrib: show pull # in prompt for github-merge script- `5b9f842` Upgrade leveldb to 1.18, make chainstate databases compatible between ARM and x86 (issue #2293)- `4e7c219` Catch UTXO set read errors and shutdown- `867c600` Catch LevelDB errors during flush- `06ca065` Fix CScriptID(const CScript& in) in empty script caseCredits=======Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release:- 21E14- Adam Weiss- Aitor Pazos- Alexander Jeng- Alex Morcos- Alon Muroch- Andreas Schildbach- Andrew Poelstra- Andy Alness- Ashley Holman- Benedict Chan- Ben Holden-Crowther- Bryan Bishop- BtcDrak- Christian von Roques- Clinton Christian- Cory Fields- Cozz Lovan- daniel- Daniel Kraft- David Hill- Derek701- dexX7- dllud- Dominyk Tiller- Doug- elichai- elkingtowa- ENikS- Eric Shaw- Federico Bond- Francis GASCHET- Gavin Andresen- Giuseppe Mazzotta- Glenn Willen- Gregory Maxwell- gubatron- HarryWu- himynameismartin- Huang Le- Ian Carroll- imharrywu- Jameson Lopp- Janusz Lenar- JaSK- Jeff Garzik- JL2035- Johnathan Corgan- Jonas Schnelli- jtimon- Julian Haight- Kamil Domanski- kazcw- kevin- kiwigb- Kosta Zertsekel- LongShao007- Luke Dashjr- Mark Friedenbach- Mathy Vanvoorden- Matt Corallo- Matthew Bogosian- Micha- Michael Ford- Mike Hearn- mrbandrews- mruddy- ntrgn- Otto Allmendinger- paveljanik- Pavel Vasin- Peter Todd- phantomcircuit- Philip Kaufmann- Pieter Wuille- pryds- randy-waterhouse- R E Broadley- Rose Toomey- Ross Nicoll- Roy Badami- Ruben Dario Ponticelli- Rune K. Svendsen- Ryan X. Charles- Saivann- sandakersmann- SergioDemianLerner- shshshsh- sinetek- Stuart Cardall- Suhas Daftuar- Tawanda Kembo- Teran McKinney- tm314159- Tom Harding- Trevin Hofmann- Whit J- Wladimir J. van der Laan- Yoichi Hirai- Zak WilcoxAs well as everyone that helped translating on [Transifex](). Re: Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 rilasciato February 16, 2015, 09:05:36 AM  #2 Un sacco di roba FaSan Re: Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 rilasciato February 16, 2015, 08:02:34 PM  #3 Quote from: FaSan on February 16, 2015, 09:05:36 AMUn sacco di roba FaSannon ce lho fatta a leggere tutto.e in tutta franchezza uso electrum Re: Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 rilasciato February 16, 2015, 08:06:46 PM  #4 Best update che abbia mai visto, lo aspettavo con ansia (temevo non uscisse più ). Re: Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 rilasciato February 18, 2015, 08:22:25 PM  #5 come mai non ha la firma digitale Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip May 22, 2014, 11:57:46 AM  #1 In questi giorni stavo analizzando un po di start up legate ai Bitcoin e mi sono imbattuto in questa ChangeCoin , il cui prodotto principale ChangeTip mi sembra molto interessante e un buon veicolo per promuovere ulteriormente i Bitcoin.Chi frequenta reddit, specie la sezione bitcoin, sa già  probabilmente di cosa si tratta,  per gli altri, ecco una rapida spiegazione. Change Tip permette di trasferire denaro sotto forma di bitcoin tra gli utenti di particolari servizi, per ora Reddit, Twitter, Github e Stocktwits. Immaginiamo di voler offrire un caffè o altro ad un utente di questi od altri servizi che ci è stato utile, ha fatto unaffermazione interessante, ci ha fatto ridere, oppure ci interessa in qualche modo, ecco qui interviene ChangeTip che fa da intermediario e permette, direttamente nel servizio, di portare a termine la nostra azione. Ecco stavo pensando che questa possibilità potrebbe essere sfruttata per promuovere i Bitcoin su twitter ad esempio, offrendo il cosiddetto caffè a persone che hanno un certo seguito o a giornalisti che si occupano di tecnologia - economia (ma le opzioni sono molte). Ora senza incorrere in spam selvaggio credo che la cosa non possa avere ripercussioni negative rilevanti, visto che in caso il nostro destinatario ci dovesse ignorare, i bitcoin dopo 15 giorni tornano al mittente.Lunico effetto correlato che vedo è unenorme pubblicità gratuita per la start up, ma del resto lidea che hanno avuto è buona e suscettibile di grandi sviluppi.Che ne pensate? Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip May 23, 2014, 09:42:55 AM  #2 però un successo pazzesco questo mio thread In ogni caso segnalo anche , si tratta di un social wallet con un obiettivo simile, questa volta però lamnbito di applicazione è Facebook. Non ho idea se la cosa rispetti le policy di Facebook, però sembra un bel progetto.Personalmente non lho ancora provato, qui potete vedere il topic di presentazione su reddit Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip May 23, 2014, 09:52:19 AM  #3 anche holytransaction consente di inviare tip tramite goolefacebooktwitter  serve di base a promuovere il sito stesso visto che per risquoterlo è necessario iscriversi Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip May 28, 2014, 03:35:28 PM  #4 Si certo la promozione del servizio è scontata, ma credo che potrebbe rivelarsi un buon veicolo di marketing anche per i bitcoin in generale qualora si vada ad offrire un caffè o altro a tweetstars con un certo seguito. Secondo me anche con un piccolo investimento in bitcoin si potrebbero raggiungere diversi utenti, specie se la tweetstar dimostrasse interesse o curiosità per la cosa. esempi limite:a) un caffè offerto dalla bitcoin foundation, o da un membro molto attivo dalla community a Paul Krugman o joseph stiglitz, o per restare con i più per terra ad un bagnai o ad un borghib) lo stesso caffè offerto ad un personaggio che gode di molto seguito su twitter da persone che sono a digiuno di economia ed informatica (es rapper, cantante, o tweetstars varie)due target diversi sia  per quanto riguarda i followers che le ripercussioni social dellazione di marketing, ma secondo me entrambi efficaci per promuovere ulteriormente i bitcoin e le crittomonete in generale. Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip November 13, 2014, 07:54:49 AM  #5 Sembra che ChangeTip stia spopolando in questi ultimi giorni.Che sia arrivata la killer application che mancava a Bitcoin per fare il botto tra le grandi masse?Vedremo! Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip November 13, 2014, 10:08:50 AM  #6 Quote from: Stemby on November 13, 2014, 07:54:49 AMSembra che ChangeTip stia spopolando in questi ultimi giorni.Che sia arrivata la killer application che mancava a Bitcoin per fare il botto tra le grandi masse?Vedremo!E divertente, indubbiamente e rischia di essere virale. Gran bella ho mandato lequivalente di una pizza al Morello di Striscia per il recente servizio sui bitcoin:mi sembrava ironico offrirgli qualcosa in bitcoin. Ho visto che ha segnato tra i preferitiil tweet, ma non ha riscosso il tip :-).Cmq, divertente, utile alla diffusione, consigliato.paci Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip November 13, 2014, 04:52:29 PM  #7 Quote from: paci on November 13, 2014, 10:08:50 AME divertente, indubbiamente e rischia di essere virale. Gran bella cosa.Già. La viralità è dal mio punto di vista laspetto di gran lunga più interessante del progetto.QuoteIo ho mandato lequivalente di una pizza al Morello di Striscia per il recente servizio sui bitcoin:mi sembrava ironico offrirgli qualcosa in bitcoin. Ho visto che ha segnato tra i preferitiil tweet, ma non ha riscosso il tip :-).Sì, avevo visto. In realtà però hai mandato la mancia a Striscia, e non direttamente a Morello. Magari lui lavrebbe riscossa Io ho provato il servizio ieri sera mandando un pensierino ad uno sviluppatore su GitHub che mi ha chiuso un bug report a tempo di record. Stamattina aveva già riscosso. Il virus si propaga...Ciao! Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip November 13, 2014, 05:03:35 PM  #8 Quote from: Stemby on November 13, 2014, 04:52:29 PMSì, avevo visto. In realtà però hai mandato la mancia a Striscia, e non direttamente a Morello. Magari lui lavrebbe riscossa Detto fatto Re: Diffusione Bitcoin e Changetip February 18, 2015, 10:52:32 AM  #9 Sapete se esiste unapp android per questo servizio? CAVIRTEX exchange canadese chiude February 18, 2015, 09:02:25 AM  #1 CAVIRTEX, un exchange canadese, chiude. Ovviamente dopo aver subito degli hackeraggi Re: CAVIRTEX exchange canadese chiude February 18, 2015, 09:09:49 AM  #2 Sembra però che non abbiano perso alcun Bitcoin Re: CAVIRTEX exchange canadese chiude February 18, 2015, 09:51:18 AM  #3 Ma invece di risolvere i problemi, questi chiudono la baracca.. e ma allora così non sopravviverà mai nessuno Re: CAVIRTEX exchange canadese chiude February 18, 2015, 09:52:52 AM  #4 Solo i migliori (o p2p market!) Doppia spesa con 8 conferme, cè da fidarsi? February 17, 2015, 01:20:19 PM  #1 Ciao ragazzi,mi è arrivato questo deposito: mi dice "Attenzione! questa transazione è una doppia spesa di Stai estremamente attento se decidi di fidarti di una transazione daper questo mittente. 78005433" ma nel contempo la transazione ha 8 conferme.Posso stare tranquillo secondo voi? Re: Doppia spesa con 8 conferme, cè da fidarsi? February 17, 2015, 01:50:10 PM  #2 Secondo me si, questo ci ha provato ma gli è andata male Re: Doppia spesa con 8 conferme, cè da fidarsi? February 17, 2015, 02:05:37 PM  #3 segna in doppia spesa anche address che invianoricevono senza aspettare la prima conferma, soprattutto se avviene all interno dello stesso blocco. Quindi molto spesso il warning è assolutamente senza fondamenti. Và da se che se la TX è valida riceve la prima conferma, altrimenti no.FaSan Re: Doppia spesa con 8 conferme, cè da fidarsi? February 17, 2015, 02:14:16 PM  #4 Perfetto, grazie mille a entrambi Netagio chiude February 16, 2015, 11:24:41 AM  #1 Netagio, un exchange UK, chiude (in modo decoroso).Qualcuno lo usa ?"... The Netagio exchange was set up against analyst and industry practitioners’ expectations of growing Bitcoin trading volumes in the UK and Europe, with a concrete plan to establish a trusted Bitcoin exchange. While we succeeded in establishing a trusted Bitcoin exchange, the Bitcoin industry as a whole has experienced a series of setbacks recently, which have led to stagnation in the industry and trading volumes, as well as adverse price reaction, in contrast to industry expectations in 2014. Continuing regulatory uncertainty across global jurisdictions, a lack of a common approach to regulating Bitcoin businesses, the anticompetitive decision by banks to deny Bitcoin businesses a bank account and banking services, as well IT hacking challenges, have had an adverse impact on the expected growth of the industry trading volumes. ... " Re: Netagio chiude February 16, 2015, 06:49:53 PM  #2 Un altro che se ne va...gli exchange (così come concepiti ra) ormai rappresentano il passato? Re: Netagio chiude February 16, 2015, 08:00:53 PM  #3 gbianchi... o porti sfiga...oppure la tua analisi è stata perfetta.A parte gli scherzi, propendo per la seconda opzione. Grazie a te ho salvato oltre 3 btc da bter.Li ho ripresi quando ho letto il tuo post sulla riserva frazionaria.E sono diventato il tuo traduttore ufficiale... Re: Netagio chiude February 16, 2015, 08:04:15 PM  #4 Quote from: acquafredda on February 16, 2015, 08:00:53 PMgbianchi... o porti sfiga...oppure la tua analisi è stata perfetta.A parte gli scherzi, propendo per la seconda opzione. Grazie a te ho salvato oltre 3 btc da bter.Li ho ripresi quando ho letto il tuo post sulla riserva frazionaria.E sono diventato il tuo traduttore ufficiale...infatti ce una piccola traduzione che ti aspetta... nel post italiano degli exchange e la riserva frazionaria Re: Netagio chiude February 16, 2015, 10:04:33 PM  #5 Quote from: gbianchi on February 16, 2015, 08:04:15 PMQuote from: acquafredda on February 16, 2015, 08:00:53 PMgbianchi... o porti sfiga...oppure la tua analisi è stata perfetta.A parte gli scherzi, propendo per la seconda opzione. Grazie a te ho salvato oltre 3 btc da bter.Li ho ripresi quando ho letto il tuo post sulla riserva frazionaria.E sono diventato il tuo traduttore ufficiale...infatti ce una piccola traduzione che ti aspetta... nel post italiano degli exchange e la riserva frazionaria che cosa? segnalamelo via pm.Nel topic internazionale uno ha chiesto di poterlo tradurre in turco... e ho detto sì.Speriamo altre lingue si facciano potrei teoricamente avere tedesco, francese, spagnolo, portoghese, russo ma mi servirebbe molto tempo che non ho (soprattutto in questa settimana che ho meetings su meetings fino al 20 febbraio).Meglio chiedere alla comunità at large. Re: Netagio chiude February 16, 2015, 10:22:01 PM  #6 Beh se chiudono lasciando prelevare, allora tutto ok,il problema è quando "subiscono un furto"  e poi chiudono Notizie del crack di un importante exchange cinese, mycoin February 08, 2015, 07:23:36 PMLast edit: February 10, 2015, 08:21:35 AM by gbianchi  #1 Nella sezione internazionale gira insistentemente la voceche in cina sia "imploso" un importante exchange Mycoin.hktutto da verificare ma occhio, parlano di cifre gorsse. Re: Notizie del crack di un importante exchange cinese February 08, 2015, 08:21:41 PM  #2 Grazie per la segnalazione. Preparo i popcorn! come guadagnare bitcoin piu velocemente


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